Subtraction Assignment Operator(-=)

The Substraction Assignment Operator subtracts the value of the right operand from a variable and assigns the result to the variable.


let yoo = 4;

// Expected output 3
console.log(foo = yoo - 1); 



JavaScript Assignment Operators

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Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables in JavaScript....

Assignment Operators List

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Addition Assignment Operator(+=)

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Subtraction Assignment Operator(-=)

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Multiplication Assignment Operator(*=)

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Division Assignment Operator(/=)

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Remainder Assignment Operator(%=)

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Exponentiation Assignment Operator

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Left Shift Assignment Operator(<<=)

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Right Shift Assignment Operator(>>=)

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Bitwise AND Assignment Operator(&=)

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Btwise OR Assignment Operator(|=)

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Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator(^=)

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