Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours


Support Vector Machine(SVM)

K Nearest Neighbour(KNN)


Based on optimal hyperplane that maximizes the margin between classes. 

Classify a data point based on the majority class of its nearest neighbours.

Algorithm Type

Discriminative algorithm, learn by analyzing the differences between classes.

Lazy Learning, stores all the training data and classifies new points based on their similarity to the stored data points at prediction time.

Training Type


Faster as there is no explicit learning

Decision Boundary

Can be either linear or non-linear


Memory Usage


Flexible, adapts to data distribution

Prediction Time


Slower with large dataset

Performance with Imbalanced Data

Handles well

May or may not perform well

Hyperparameter Sensitivity

Very less parameters

More parameters depending on the value of K


Less interpretable,due to the complex nature of their decision boundaries

More interpretable,because the classification relies on the nearest neighbors.


More scalable

Less scalable


Text Classification, Image classification, Bioinformatics, etc.

Recommendation Systems, Anomaly Detection, Predictive maintenance, etc.

SVM vs KNN in Machine Learning

Support Vector Machine(SVM) and K Nearest Neighbours(KNN) both are very popular supervised machine learning algorithms used for classification and regression purpose. Both SVM and KNN play an important role in Supervised Learning.

Table of Content

  • Support Vector Machine(SVM)
  • K Nearest Neighbour(KNN)
  • Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours

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Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours



In practical use, KNN and SVM both are very important supervised learning algorithms. The choice between these two deoends on multiple factors like the nature of dataset, the size of dataset and other specifications of the problem. Ultimately the selection must be guided by the constraints of the problem....