Supported Attribute

 The HTML <menu> tag supports the Global Attributes and Event Attributes.

Note: The HTML <menu> Tag was removed in HTML 4.01 but in HTML5 it has been redefined. Previously, list items were declared within the deprecated <menuitem> element. Now, the <li> element serves as a suitable alternative.

Example 1: Implementation of the <menu> tag with the Browser’s Default CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML menu Tag</title>
        menu {
            display: block;
            list-style-type: disc;
            margin-block-start: 1em;
            margin-block-end: 1em;
            margin-inline-start: 0px;
            margin-inline-end: 0px;
            padding-inline-start: 40px;
    <p>HTML <menu> tag</p>
        <li>menu list</li>
        <li>unordered list</li>
        <li>ordered list</li>


Example 2: Implementation of menu tag by using Custom CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML menu Tag</title>
        menu {
            color: rgb(45, 139, 45);
            font-weight: 700;
    <p>HTML menu tag</p>
        <li>menu list</li>
        <li>unordered list</li>
        <li>ordered list</li>



HTML <menu> Tag defines an Unordered List of items. For creating an unordered list, we can use the <menu> tag with HTML <li> tags. The HTML <menu> tag is a semantic tag and an alternative option for the HTML <ul> tag.

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    Supported Attribute

    The HTML

    tag supports the Global Attributes and Event Attributes....

    HTML DOM Property


    Browser Support
