Symmetric Encryption vs Asymmetric Encryption

In Asymmetric Cryptography, a single key known as a public key is used. Initially, the message is encrypted using a public key to convert the message into a cipher text, and then the message is transferred to the receiver’s end. The receiver then uses the same public key to decrypt the message; thus, asymmetric key cryptography provides security and authentication.

In Symmetric Key Cryptography, two different keys are used namely a public key and private key. Initially, a public key is used to encrypt a message (conversion of plain text to cipher text) and then a private key is used to decrypt a message back to the plain text. The public key may be known to the unknown users around along with the sender but the private key is only known to the receiver thus providing enough security and authentication to the data transferred.

How is Cryptography Used for Security and Authentication?

Cryptography plays a major role in terms of security and authentication. The process of cryptography is used for transferring data/messages. Through various security and authentication processes, this technique is used. Authorization and non-repudiation of data are also important features of cryptography. Let’s get into detail to learn more about how cryptography is used for security and authentication.

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How is Cryptography used for Security and Authentication? -FAQs

Is Symmetric key cryptography better than Asymmetric Key Cryptography?...