Syntax and Related Words

a) NSURLSession: This class represents the session used to manage a collection of connected URL tasks.

b) NSURLSessionDataTask: This task represents a data task that is used to retrieve information from a URL.

c) NSURLSessionDownloadTask: This object represents a download task for files.

d) NSURLSessionUploadTask: This task simulates an upload operation that sends data to a server.

e) NSURLSessionConfiguration: Sets an NSURLSession’s behavior parameters.

f) NSURLSessionDelegate: Specifies the delegation procedures for dealing with session-level events.

g) NSURLSessionTaskDelegate: Specifies delegate procedures for dealing with task-level events.

URL Loading System in Objective-C

The Objective-C URL Loading System offers a reliable and practical method for interacting with URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). It enables programmers to communicate with a variety of network resources, including web services, upload files, and retrieve data. Since the URL Loading System is a component of the Objective-C Foundation framework, iOS and macOS developers can easily access it.

The NSURLSession class is the key element for controlling networking operations in the URL Loading System. It supports a variety of tasks, including download tasks for downloading files, upload tasks for sending data to a server, and data tasks for straightforward data retrieval. The system is a complete solution for processing network requests in Objective-C because it also handles authentication problems, caching, and background transfers.

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a) NSURLSession: This class represents the session used to manage a collection of connected URL tasks....