Syntax of Conditional Operator

The syntax of conditional operators, often referred to as the ternary operator, is as follows:

condition ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false

  • condition: A boolean expression that evaluates to either true or false.
  • expression_if_true: The value or expression to be returned if the condition is true.
  • expression_if_false: The value or expression to be returned if the condition is false.

Here’s a brief explanation of each part:

  • The condition is evaluated first. If it’s true, the entire expression results in expression_if_true; otherwise, it results in expression_if_false.
  • This syntax provides a compact way to express a simple conditional statement in one line.

Conditional Operator in Programming

Conditional Operator, often referred to as the ternary operator, is a concise way to express a conditional (if-else) statement in many programming languages. It is represented by the “?” symbol and is sometimes called the ternary operator because it takes three operands.

Table of Content

  • Syntax of Conditional Operators
  • Conditional Operator in C
  • Conditional Operator in C++
  • Conditional Operator in Java
  • Conditional Operator in Python
  • Conditional Operator in C#
  • Conditional Operator in JavaScript
  • Comparison with If-Else Statements
  • Nested Ternary(Conditional) Operators

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