Syntax of osmnx.distance.nearest_nodes() Function

osmnx.distance.nearest_nodes(G, X, Y, return_dist=False)


  • G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – graph in which to find nearest nodes
  • X (float or list) – points’ x (longitude) coordinates, in same CRS/units as graph and containing no nulls
  • Y (float or list) – points’ y (latitude) coordinates, in same CRS/units as graph and containing no nulls
  • return_dist (bool) – optionally also return distance between points and nearest nodes

Returns: nn or (nn, dist) – nearest node IDs or optionally a tuple where dist contains distances between the points and their nearest nodes

Return Type: int/list or tuple

Note: install geopandas==0.14.3, osmnx==1.9.1, notebook==7.0.7, folium==0.15.1, matplotlib==3.8.2, mapclassify==2.6.1

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