Syntax of strcmp() in C

strcmp(first_str, second_str );

C strcmp()

In C language, the <string.h> header file contains the Standard String Library that contains some useful and commonly used string manipulation functions. In this article, we will see how to compare strings in C using the function strcmp().

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C strcmp() is a built-in library function that is used for string comparison. This function takes two strings (array of characters) as arguments, compares these two strings lexicographically, and then returns 0,1, or -1 as the result. It is defined inside header file with its prototype as follows:...

Syntax of strcmp() in C

strcmp(first_str, second_str );...

Parameters of strcmp() in C

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Examples of strcmp() in C

C strcmp() function works by comparing the two strings lexicographically. It means that it compares the ASCII value of each character till the non-matching value is found or the NULL character is found. The working of the C strcmp() function can be described as follows:...


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FAQs on strcmp() in C
