Syntax of String replace()

The syntax of std::string::replace() is as follows:

string& replace( first, last, str);

Parameters of String replace()

  • first: Iterator or index value to the starting point of the range where we want to replace the string.
  • last: Iterator or index value to the ending point of the range where we want to replace the string.
  • str: String that is to be inserted in the range first and last replacing the currently present characters.

Return Value of String replace()

  • This function returns the reference to the current string object( this ptr).

std::string::replace() in C++

The string replace() function in C++ replaces each element in the part of the string in the range [first, last). It is defined inside the std::string class in C++ as a member function to provide replace functionality.

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Syntax of String replace()

The syntax of std::string::replace() is as follows:...

Example of String replace()

C++ // CPP code to demonstrate std::string::replace() #include using namespace std;    // Function for demonstration void replaceDemo(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4) {     // Using positions     cout << "Using positions:"          << "\n";     // Replaces 7 characters from 0th index by s2     s1.replace(0, 7, s2);     cout << s1 << endl;        // Replaces 3 characters from 0th index with "Hello"     s4.replace(0, 3, "Hello ");     cout << s4 << endl;        // Replaces 5 characters from 6th index of s4 with     // 5 characters from 0th of s3     s4.replace(6, 5, s3, 0, 5);     cout << s4 << endl;        // Replaces 5 characters from 6th index of s4 with     // 6 characters from string "to all"     s4.replace(6, 5, "to all", 6);     cout << s4 << endl;        // Replaces 1 character from 12th  index of s4 with     // 3 copies of '!'     s4.replace(12, 1, 3, '!');     cout << s4 << endl;        // Using iterators     cout << "\nUsing iterators:"          << "\n";     // Replaces whole s2 string with s3     s2.replace(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s3);     cout << s2 << "\n";        // Replaces 13 characters from begin of s1 with string     // "Example"     s1.replace(s1.begin(), s1.begin() + 13, "Example");     cout << s1 << "\n";        // Replace last 7 characters of s4 with first 12     // characters of the string "geeks from- here"     s4.replace(s4.end() - 7, s4.end(), "geeks from- here",                12);     cout << s4 << "\n";        // Replaces last character with complete s2 string from     // s2.begin() till s2.end()     s4.replace(s4.end() - 1, s4.end(), s2.begin(),                s2.end());     cout << s4 << "\n";        // Replaces portion of string s4 starting from 5     // characters from s4.begin() to 15 characters from     // s4.begin() with 2 occurrences of ','     s4.replace(s4.begin() + 5, s4.begin() + 15, 2, ',');     cout << s4 << "\n"; }    // Driver code int main() {     string s1 = "Example of replace";     string s2 = "Demonstration";     string s3 = "GeeksforGeeks";     string s4 = "HeyWorld !";        replaceDemo(s1, s2, s3, s4);     return 0; }...