Take Multiple Inputs Using Loop in Python

Below, are some of the ways to take multiple inputs In Python Using Loop:

Take Multiple Inputs In Python Using a List and For Loop

In this example, below Python code takes a user-specified number of inputs, iterates through a for loop, and prompts the user to enter each input sequentially. The entered values are then stored in a list called `user_inputs`, and the final list is printed to display all user inputs. The use of a for loop simplifies the process of collecting multiple inputs in an organized manner.


#  Using a List and For Loop
num_inputs = int(input("Enter the number of inputs: "))
user_inputs = []
for i in range(num_inputs):
    user_input = input(f"Enter input {i + 1}: ")
print("User inputs:", user_inputs)


Enter the number of inputs: 2
Enter input 1: 11
Enter input 2: 12
User inputs: ['11', '12']

Take Multiple Inputs In Python Using List Comprehension

In this example, below Python code employs list comprehension to efficiently collect multiple user inputs based on the specified number. It prompts the user to enter each input within the specified range, creating a list called `user_inputs`. Finally, the program prints the collected user inputs for easy verification and display.


# Using List Comprehension
num_inputs = int(input("Enter the number of inputs: "))
user_inputs = [input(f"Enter input {i + 1}: ") for i in range(num_inputs)]
print("User inputs:", user_inputs)


Enter the number of inputs: 2
Enter input 1: 11
Enter input 2: 2
User inputs: ['11', '2']

Take Multiple Inputs In Python Using While Loop

In this example, below code initializes an empty list called `inputs_list` to store user inputs. It then prompts the user to enter a value and uses a `while` loop to continuously take inputs until the user types ‘exit’. Each entered value is appended to the `inputs_list`. Finally, the program prints the collected inputs after the loop exits.


# Initialize an empty list to store inputs
inputs_list = []
# Set the initial value for the input
user_input = input("Enter a value (type 'exit' to stop): ")
# Use a while loop to continue taking inputs until 'exit' is entered
while user_input.lower() != 'exit':
    user_input = input("Enter another value (type 'exit' to stop): ")
# Display the collected inputs
print("Collected Inputs:", inputs_list)


Enter a value (type 'exit' to stop): 1
Enter another value (type 'exit' to stop): 11
Enter another value (type 'exit' to stop): 12
Enter another value (type 'exit' to stop): exit
Collected Inputs: ['1', '11', '12']

How to Take Multiple Inputs Using Loop in Python

Taking multiple inputs in Python is a common task, especially when dealing with user interactions or processing data sets. Using a for loop can simplify the process and make the code more efficient. In this article, we will explore simple and commonly used methods to take multiple inputs in Python using loops in Python.

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Take Multiple Inputs Using Loop in Python

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