Taxonomy of Cat

The Scientific Name of cats is based on the following taxonomy tree:

















Scientific Name of Cat: Felis catus

Scientific Name of Cat: Felis Catus is the Scientific Name of the Cat. Scientific Names are the names of organisms that indicate the Genus and Species of an Organism. One of the smallest carnivores of the Felidae family is none other than a cat. Cats are well recognized for having retractable claws, which serve both in self-defense against potential predators as well as enable them to hunt down smaller animals. One of the first animals to be largely tamed is the cat. Cats are members of the genus Felis, which is part of the family Felidae and from here only domestic cats originated. There are about 60 distinct cat breeds.

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Cat’s scientific name is Felis Catus....

Taxonomy of Cat

The Scientific Name of cats is based on the following taxonomy tree:...

Characteristic of Cat

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FAQs on the Scientific Name of Cat

Q: What is the suborder of Cat?...