Technical Challenges and Considerations

Client-side bidding faces challenges like browser limitations and potential impact on user experience due to increased page load times. Server-side bidding, while faster, can face issues like cookie synchronization and requires a robust server infrastructure.

  • To integrate client-side header bidding, you would typically start by choosing a header bidding wrapper like Prebid.js. Then, you would configure ad units and demand partners in the wrapper and add the code to your website’s header. 
  • Testing and optimization are crucial, as incorrect setup can lead to loss of ad revenue.
  • Integrating server-side header bidding involves setting up a server to manage the bidding process. 
  • This could be your own server or a third-party solution. You would configure your demand partners on the server, and modify your website to send ad requests to this server. 
  • The complexity lies in ensuring efficient server communication and response handling.

Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding and key Benefits

In the dynamic world of digital advertising, header bidding has emerged as a game-changer, optimizing the way ad inventory is sold. 

Traditionally, publishers relied on waterfall methods, which often led to suboptimal ad revenue. Header bidding changes this by allowing multiple ad exchanges to bid on inventory simultaneously, ensuring higher yields. 


There are two primary approaches to this technology:

  1. Server-side and 
  2. Client-side header bidding. 

This blog aims to demystify these approaches, comparing their pros and cons and providing insight into their integration.

Table of Content

  • What is Client-Side Header Bidding?
  • What is Server-Side Header Bidding?
  • Comparing Server-Side and Client-Side Header Bidding
  • Technical Challenges and Considerations
  • Which One Should You Choose?
  • Conclusion

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What is Client-Side Header Bidding?

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What is Server-Side Header Bidding?

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Comparing Server-Side and Client-Side Header Bidding

Aspect Client-Side Server-Side Latency Higher due to multiple browser requests. Lower, as the process is server-side. Scalabiity Limited by browser capabilities. Higher, as the server can handle more requests. Trancparency High, as bids are visible. Lower, as the process is not visible to the browser. Integration Complexity Relatively simple. More comples, requires server setup....

Technical Challenges and Considerations

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Which One Should You Choose?

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