Technical Highlights of Innerve

1. Drone competition:

Students from around the territory are invited to compete with teams in a drone race where different hurdles are placed on there tracks, the team that finishes the whole path in the minimum time with minimal loss is declared the winner and is provided with cash prizes and gift hampers.

2. Hackathons:

Participants come together to tackle complex problems and develop creative solutions within a limited timeframe. Whether it’s coding, designing, or brainstorming, hackathons foster an environment where passion, creativity, and teamwork are key.

3. Gaming zone:

This dedicated space serves as a haven for gamers and enthusiasts, offering a diverse selection of video and board games. From high-speed car races to epic battles in virtual worlds, the gaming zone caters to a wide range of interests and skill levels. It’s where competitors can test their mettle, friends can challenge each other, and newcomers can discover the joy of gaming.

4. Ideation:

Participants are invited to unleash their creativity and imagination to propose groundbreaking solutions to real-world challenges. The outcome is not just a competition but a celebration of ingenuity and awards to the best ideas.

5. MAE Events:

It is especially for students with mechanical backgrounds. the event has a total of three rounds which involve scribbling, guessing mechanical doodles assembling the machine parts by searching for clues using maps.

6. Robo fights:

In these intense battles, custom-built robots armed with an array of weapons and tactics engage in ferocious combat, aiming to outmaneuver, outwit, and ultimately disable their opponents. These events provide a platform for enthusiasts and engineers to showcase their robot-building skills.

IGDTUW Innerve Fest Experience

Innerve is the annual technical fest of Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW). With its inception in 2015, every year, the two-day extravaganza has witnessed a phenomenal gathering of students from all domains. This fest involves various types of activities including technical, nontechnical, and fun for students who come to enjoy the fest and explore new skills and technologies.

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