Technical PI

  • Questions about Projects – academic and internship projects.
  • One SQL Query Question:- Two tables Employee and Dept, print the employee name and location of employee where age of employee is less than 30 and dept is ‘HR’.

Employee Table and Dept Tables: –







  • DSA Leetcode Hard Question – Maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line. Link – Maximum Number of Points on same line
  • Two Aptitude Questions. – Number series, Missing value in matrix ( Had to answer without using pen and paper ).
  • Questions on skills mentioned in resume ( Advice if it is for campus placement – keep your resume light skilled – Don’t mentions things that you are not completely up-to-date with either. )

Unthinkable – Daffodil Software Interview Experience

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Technical PI

Questions about Projects – academic and internship projects. One SQL Query Question:- Two tables Employee and Dept, print the employee name and location of employee where age of employee is less than 30 and dept is ‘HR’....