Temperature Deciduous Forest Biome

Temperature Deciduous Forest biome is found in regions with four distinct seasons. The trees in these forests started falling their leaves in the spring season. Some common trees that can be found in temperature deciduous forests are Oak, maple, beech and hickory.

Animals that live in temperature deciduous forests are deer, squirrels, foxes, raccoons and opossums.

Major World Biomes

The major world biomes are Terrestrial or land biomes in which Tundras, Deserts, Grasslands, Forests, Mountains, and Aquatic or Water biomes are Freshwater biomes and Marine biomes. Tropical Rainforests are the richest biomes. The Tundra is the coldest biome. The biome is also known as the major life zone.

In this article, You will get to know about the Major World Biomes and Kinds of Biomes.

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Major World Biomes

Here’s a table summarizing the major world biomes, their key characteristics, and typical locations:...

What is a Biome?

A biome also known as a major life zone is a large geographical area on Earth that is divided by specific plant and animal life. These regions are defined by factors like climate, soil, temperature, etc. Plants and animals in a biome have adapted to survive in the different conditions. There are many different kinds of biomes all around the world from Tundra to hot deserts....

Kinds of Biomes

The major kinds of biomes found on Earth are as follows:...

Tropical Rainforest Biome

Tropical biomes are hot and humid biomes located near the equator. They receive heavy rainfall throughout the year and they are the most diverse biomes on Earth with a large variety of plants and animals living in their environment....

Taiga Biome

Taiga biome are cold, snowy forests mostly found in Siberia, Scandinavia and Canada. The most common trees found there are conifers, pines, spruces and firs. Animals that are mostly found in the taiga biome are bears, wolves, moose and wolverines....

Temperature Deciduous Forest Biome

Temperature Deciduous Forest biome is found in regions with four distinct seasons. The trees in these forests started falling their leaves in the spring season. Some common trees that can be found in temperature deciduous forests are Oak, maple, beech and hickory....

Grassland Biome

Grassland biomes are areas that are fully covered with grasses. They can be found in many parts of the world including North America, South America, Africa and Asia....

Desert Biome

Deserts are hot and dry regions that receive very little rainfall due to their environment. They are found in many parts of the world including Africa, Australia, the southwestern area of the United States and many other countries....

Tundra Biome

Tundra are cold and dry regions with short growing seasons . They are located in the northernmost and southernmost latitudes of Earth. The vegetation in tundras are low-lying plants such as mosses, lichens and grasses. Animals that live in tundras include caribou, polar bears , arctic foxes and snowy owls....

Marine Biome

Marine biomes are large areas of saltwater that support a large variety of plants and animal life. They are the world’s largest biome that covers about 71 % of the earth’s surface .There are many types of marine biomes such as oceans , coral reefs , estuaries,kelp forests and salt marshes....

Terrestrial Biomes or Land Biomes

The Terrestrial or Land biomes are divided and characterisedare according to the climatic conditions and the climax vegetation of the region in which they found. is also knownThe climax vegetation is also known as the biological community of plants , animals ,birds and other living organisms .Plants and animals have adapted to survive in this biome....

Aquatic Biomes or Water Biomes

The Aquatic or Water Biomes are the largest and widest biomesearth’s on earth because water is the most important element among the biological community the total earth surface is covered by which is nearly 70 to 80 per cent .They are all saltwater and freshwater environment that supports a large variety of plants and animal life....

Interesting facts about Biomes

Fact Biome Tropical rainforests are home to over half of the world’s known plant and animal species. Tropical Rainforest Marine plants, particularly phytoplankton, are responsible for producing more than half of Earth’s oxygen. Oceans The permanently frozen ground layer in tundras is called permafrost and can reach depths of hundreds of meters. Tundra Contrary to popular belief, deserts can be extremely cold. Antarctica, the driest continent, is technically a desert. Deserts Many plants in chaparral biomes, like chamise and manzanita, have adaptations like thick bark and flammable oils that help them survive frequent fires. Chaparral Grasslands are home to some of the largest land animals on Earth, including elephants, giraffes, and rhinos. Grasslands Due to the dense canopy cover, less than 2% of sunlight reaches the forest floor in a tropical rainforest. Tropical Rainforest Animals in temperate forests have adapted to the changing seasons. Some hibernate during winter, while others migrate south for warmer weather. Temperate Deciduous Forest The soil in taiga biomes stores a significant amount of carbon, estimated to be one-third of the total carbon stored in Earth’s soil. Taiga The deepest parts of the ocean, known as the abyssal zone, receive no sunlight and are home to unique creatures adapted to the extreme pressure and darkness. Ocean Depths...


A biome can be described as a large biological community or an ecosystem where different types of living organisms humans , plants , insects ,animals and birds live in different kinds of climates and envioement....

Major World Biomes – FAQs

What are the 3 largest biomes?...