Testing in Go

1. Unit Testing:

  • Principle: Separate and analyze each of the component in an isolation.
  • Practice in Go: This package helps that the unit test needs to be written.
-test- myFunction(t *testing. t) {
result := MyFunction()
if result does not equal the expected, {
f. Errors("expected %v, go %v", expected, result)


2. Table-Driven Tests:

  • Principle: Employ table-driven tests to include several instances rather than rewriting strings of the code endlessly.
  • Practice in Go: The test cases for this slice should be defined and well-iterated to ensure they are covered.
var tests: []struct{} = [] 
input    int
expected int
{1, 1},
{2, 4},
{3, 9},
for _, tt :First, I carried out a range of tests, including environmental assessment, soil testing, etc.
t. Run(fmt. Sprintf("input=%d", tt. func(t *testing. T)) input. ,
result := MyFunction(tt. input)
if result != tt. expected {
errorf("expected that %d, but got %d," tt. expected, result)


3. Mocking:

  • Principle: Offboard tests from external dependencies.
  • Practice in Go: Include interfaces and mock implementations .
type MyService interface {
    DoSomething() error

type MyServiceMock struct{}

func (m *MyServiceMock) DoSomething() error {
    return nil

4. Benchmarking:

  • Principle: Make measurements the code is based on.
  • Practice in Go: Use the lands that come with the testing package’s benchmarking functions.
Testa a velocidade de execução da minha função.
for i := 0; i < b. N; i++ {



The observed design patterns should be followed, in order to have reliable, scalable, performing and maintainable systems. These principles allow error handling to be explicit and meaningful, safety and concurrency management to be done effectively and conveniently, and performance optimization by profiling and efficient data structures, and code reaches a level of proper testing by unit tests, table-based tests, mocks, and benchmarks.

Design Principles for System Design in Go

In this article, we will discover essential design principles for efficient system architecture in Go programming. Learn how to optimize concurrency, leverage interfaces, and manage errors effectively, ensuring robust and scalable solutions.

Important Topics for Design Principles for System Design in Go

  • What is System Design?
  • Components which comprise the System design
  • Design Principles for Programming in Go
  • Error Handling in Go
  • Concurrency in Go
  • Performance Optimization in Go
  • Testing in Go

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