The Battle of Plassey

In 1756, Alivardi Khan passed away, and Sirajuddaulah ascended to the position of Nawab of Bengal. The East India Company attempted to support one of Sirajuddaulah’s rivals in claiming the Nawabship. Upon learning of the Company’s intervention in political matters, Sirajuddaulah demanded they cease meddling, halt fortification efforts, and pay owed revenues.

In 1757, under the leadership of Robert Clive, the Company’s forces confronted Sirajuddaulah at Plassey. The decisive factor in Sirajuddaulah’s defeat was the non-participation of the forces led by Mir Jafar. The Battle of Plassey gained prominence as it marked the Company’s initial significant triumph in India.

The primary goal of the Company was trade expansion. Initially, the Company aimed to achieve this through cooperation with local rulers, thus avoiding direct territorial acquisition. However, this approach proved challenging.

In 1765, the Mughal emperor appointed the Company as the Diwan of Bengal provinces, granting access to the region’s substantial revenue resources. Since the early 18th century, the Company’s trade with India had flourished, with goods from India exchanged for gold and silver imported from Britain.

CBSE Class 8 History Notes Chapter 2 – From Trade to Territory

Were you aware that the British initially arrived as a modest trading entity and showed reluctance in territorial expansion? So, how did they evolve into rulers of a sprawling empire?

This chapter delves into the transformation, detailing the ascent of the East India Company, the expansion of trade, the establishment of new business regulations, and significant events like The Battle of Plassey. These notes for CBSE Class 8 History, Chapter 2 – From Trade to Territory, provide students with the confidence to tackle their History exams effectively.

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How did the British transition from being a modest trading entity to rulers of a vast empire in India?

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