The Classical Waterfall Model

The classical waterfall model is a linear model of software development that was introduced in the 1970s. It divides the process of making software into separate phases that must be done one after the other before going on to the next phase. The model was based on the way that manufacturing and building work is done in steps. There are several phases of the Classical waterfall model.

  • Gathering Requirements: Project requirements are acquired from the client or stakeholders at this phase. The requirements are analyzed for further scopes, scalability, and potential risk.
  • Designing System: This phase includes the high-level and the low-level design specification of the system’s architecture.
  • Implementation of Software: During this phase, the physical coding of the software takes place. Programmers develop code in accordance with the design specifications. This stage leads to the development of software modules and components.
  • Testing of Software: The software is tested properly the defects, bugs and errors. Several kind of testing is performed like Unit testing, Integration testing and system testing.
  • Deployment of Software: On ce the software testing is properly done, the software is deployed to the production environment for the end user.
  • Maintenance of Software: This is the last and the final phase of the classic waterfall model. In this phase the ongoing maintenance and the support of the software occurs.

Comparison of different life cycle models in Software Engineering

Software development existence cycle models are frameworks that manual the development of software program tasks from start to completion. There are several software development existence cycle fashions, every with its personal set of benefits and drawbacks. In this answer, we will compare some of the maximum popular software development life cycle fashions, inclusive of the Waterfall version, the Agile version, and the Spiral version.

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Waterfall Model

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The Classical Waterfall Model

The classical waterfall model is a linear model of software development that was introduced in the 1970s. It divides the process of making software into separate phases that must be done one after the other before going on to the next phase. The model was based on the way that manufacturing and building work is done in steps. There are several phases of the Classical waterfall model....

Advantages of the Classical Waterfall Model

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Disadvantages of the Classical Waterfall Model

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The Iterative Waterfall Model

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Advantages of the Iterative Waterfall Model

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Disadvantages of the Iterative Waterfall Model

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Agile Model

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Advantages of the Agile Model

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Disadvantages of the Agile Model

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Spiral Model

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: What is the basic difference between the Spiral and the Iterative model?...