The Colonial Expansion of Portuguese

Here we are going to discuss about the Colonial Expansion.

Portuguese India

Portuguese India, from the 16th to the mid-20th century, is a crucial part of history. Explorers like Vasco da Gama set up colonies along the western coast of the Indian subcontinent. During this time, Portugal left a lasting impact on trade, language, and architecture in key areas like Goa, creating a mix of cultures. In this article, we’ll look into the history of Portuguese India, its exploration, colonization, and its lasting effects.

Let us discuss.

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Timeline of Portuguese India and General Facts

Date Events 1498 Vasco-da-Gama makes landfall at Calicut where he is received by the Zamorins 1503 First Portuguese fort is established at Cochin (now known as Kochi) 1505 Second Portuguese fort at Cannanore is built 1509 A combined fleet of Egyptian, Arab and Zamorin fleet is destroyed by the Portuguese at the Battle of Diu 1510 Goa is captured from the Bijapur Sultanate by Alfonso Albuquerque 1530 Goa is declared as the capital of Portuguese India 1535 Diu is completely subjugated 1539 Portuguese Diu is under siege by a combined fleet of Ottomans, Mamluks of Egypt, the Gujarat Sultanate and the Zaomorin of Calicut. It ends. It ends in absolute victory for the Portuguese 1559 Daman is captured by the Portuguese 1596 In South-East Asia, the Dutch establish a monopoly in the spice trade after dislodging the Portuguese 1612 Surat is lost to the English 1661 Bombay is handed over to the English 1663 The Portuguese lose all their forts to the Dutch on the Malabar Coast 1779 Acquisition of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in 1843 Panjim is made capital of Portuguese India 1961 Portuguese lose their final colonial outpost of Goa when the Indian army launches a military operation to liberate it....

Portuguese India Map


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The Colonial Expansion of Portuguese

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A. Goa – The Jewel in the Crown

Portuguese Colonization of Goa (1510)...

B. Other Territories and Fortifications

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