The Cool Stuff

Some features may not be as exciting or crucial as these new updates, which makes the application fun for the users and improves their chatting experience. Along with a new look, Google Chat now also has better features like a new icon and clearer status bar.

1. Fancy New Logo

In the recent update, Google Chats got a fresh look from the old green chat bubble, it is now a new rectangle with all of Google’s bright colors: red, green, yellow, and blue. This change makes Google Chats look like all the other Google Workspace apps.

While the new logo looks good, some people are worried. They say that all the Google apps now look too similar, and it’s hard to tell them apart. People think the Google Chats logo is a lot like the Google Meet logo, and sometimes, you might skip one app thinking it’s the other.

Even though it’s a sleek change, users are pointing out that it might cause confusion between different Google Workspace apps.

2. Icon Glow-Up

The new update makes the app look more personal and fun with themed icons. Now, when you pick a theme color, it doesn’t just stay in the background, it spreads its colors all over the app. From the chat bubbles to the buttons you click, everything shows off the colors you like.

It’s like giving your app a special look just for you. It is a way of making things look nice and makes using the app more enjoyable. It’s not just about completing tasks, but completing tasks the way you like it.

3. Status Bar Icons – Now Clearer!

No more struggling to see those small icons. Google Chats has fixed that problem. Now, the icons that show if someone is online, away, or busy look much better. They have clearer lines and brighter colors, making it easy to see even on small screens. It is a piece of great news, especially if you use a phone or a small tablet.

These changes make the Google Chats app look nicer and help you see things better. Whether you’re using a big computer or a little phone, you can now see if your friends or co-workers are online without any trouble.

With this update, Google wants to make sure that everyone, no matter what device they use, can enjoy chatting with clear icons. So, you can enjoy the new and improved Google Chats with better icons and have an easier time chatting online.

Google Chat rolls out new logo, updated Themed and status bar icons

On 8th January 2024, Google updated the Hangouts mobile application, which is also known as Google Chats. In this new update, there are many minute but significant changes that make the application more user-friendly.

Among these updates, Google also updated the logo of the mobile application, from a green chat bubble to a rectangular colorful chat bubble similar to the other Google Workspace applications.

The update is available for Android mobile users, who have Play Store on their devices. In this blog, we’ll go through the new updates and changes in the Google Chats application.

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