The Decision to Take GATE

Choosing to go for the GATE was not just all of a sudden. It came from wanting to learn more and get a spot in one of the best gov job places. As one who finished English school, I saw that GATE could let me into chances that fit with what I want in my work life. With a clear thing to reach for, I started this walk with will and a thought-out plan.

GATE Exam Experience

The General Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is among the top and hardest tests in India, and it acts as a door to more study in eng and tech and also to get into big job places by the govt. This time, my walk through GATE was a blend of deep study, growing myself, and the big test of keeping on.

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The Decision to Take GATE

Choosing to go for the GATE was not just all of a sudden. It came from wanting to learn more and get a spot in one of the best gov job places. As one who finished English school, I saw that GATE could let me into chances that fit with what I want in my work life. With a clear thing to reach for, I started this walk with will and a thought-out plan....

The Preparation Phase

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