The Dot-Com Boom

The 1990s saw explosive growth in the popularity of the web, fueled in large part by the dot-com boom. Companies rushed to establish an online presence, leading to the creation of thousands of new websites and the rapid expansion of internet infrastructure.

During this time, e-commerce emerged as a major force, with companies like Amazon and eBay paving the way for online shopping. The proliferation of search engines like Yahoo! and AltaVista made it easier than ever for users to find information online, further driving the growth of the web.

History Of The Web

History Of The Web: The World Wide Web (WWW) is the main way people find information on the Internet. The Web lets users access a huge amount of content, including the deep web, the dark web, and the surface web. This content is connected by hyperlinks, which are electronic links that connect related information, making it easy to find.

Hypertext allows users to click on words or phrases to find more information. Hypermedia includes links to images, sounds, animations, and movies. The Web works using the Internet’s client-server format: servers store and send documents when asked, while clients request these documents.

Browser software helps users view these documents. Special browsers, like Tor, let users browse anonymously. Hypertext documents are written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and have an online address called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

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