The Function of FSSAI

  • Formulation of regulations outlining the standards and guidelines pertaining to food products as well as the method for enforcing the different requirements notified.
  • Establishing a system and rules for the accreditation of organizations that certify food enterprises’ food safety management systems.
  • Collect and compile information on food consumption, the occurrence and prevalence of biological risk contaminants in food, the presence of residue from different contaminants in food items, the identification of developing risks in food, and the implementation of quick warning systems.
  • Establishing a national information network for the public, consumers, panchayats, etc. Obtain timely, accurate, and relevant information regarding food safety and corner-related issues.
  • Offer a training program to those working in the food industry.
  • Develop worldwide technical standards for sanitary, phytosanitary, and food standards.
  • Encourage public understanding about food standards and safety.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The Food Safety and Standards Act was officially unveiled by the government on August 23, 2006. Prior to the creation and implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act, the nation’s safe food practices were governed by a number of laws and norms. The main statute governing food product regulation is the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI), which was passed in 2006. The creation and enforcement of food safety standards in India are also established under this law. State-level food safety authorities are chosen by the FSSAI.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has administrative jurisdiction for the FSSAI. FSSAI’s main aim is to:

  • Establish scientifically sound standards for food items.
  • To control food production, storage, sale, distribution, and import.
  • To aid in ensuring food safety.
  • To make sure that good, safe food is readily available for human consumption.

Food Acts Before FSSAI act, 2006:

  • Food Adulteration Prevention Act of 1954
  • Fruit Products Act of 1955
  • Vegetable and Oil Order, 1947
  • Edible Oil Packaging Order, 1988
  • Milk and Milk-Related Products, 1992

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The Function of FSSAI:

Formulation of regulations outlining the standards and guidelines pertaining to food products as well as the method for enforcing the different requirements notified. Establishing a system and rules for the accreditation of organizations that certify food enterprises’ food safety management systems. Collect and compile information on food consumption, the occurrence and prevalence of biological risk contaminants in food, the presence of residue from different contaminants in food items, the identification of developing risks in food, and the implementation of quick warning systems. Establishing a national information network for the public, consumers, panchayats, etc. Obtain timely, accurate, and relevant information regarding food safety and corner-related issues. Offer a training program to those working in the food industry. Develop worldwide technical standards for sanitary, phytosanitary, and food standards. Encourage public understanding about food standards and safety....

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The Administrative Structure of the FSSAI:

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