The Journey Unfolds

During the workshop, we were able to explore in greater detail the various aspects of market dynamics and user-centric design. Through the analysis of case studies and real-world examples, we acquired a deep knowledge of how to spot market niches, understand the users’ needs and send solutions that are close to them. The workshop went beyond the theoretical, giving the practical tools and the frameworks that are necessary to deal with the complexities of product management.

IIT Roorkee Annual Technical Fest Experience (Cognizance) 2023

Navigating the Basics of Product Management: A Voyage at Cognizance 2023

The virtual halls of Cognizance 2024, the famous annual Techfest of IIT Roorkee, were filled with excitement as delegates from all over the world gathered for a trip to the core of product management. Among the numerous workshops and events, the one that was as brilliant as a star was the “Basics of Product Management” workshop, hosted by NextLeap. The workshop, which was planned for December 17, 2023, was meant to be a thorough analysis of the basic principles and practices that form the groundwork of the product management field.

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