The Marquess of Wellesley

Wellesley was appointed as Governor-General in 1797l. he introduced first time the ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ system in India. Based on this system, Wellesley allied with Indian rulers such as the Nawab and the Nizam of Hyderabad. Any Indian ruler who entered into an alliance with the British would have to keep a group of British soldiers in his area. Based on this alliance, It was the responsibility of the British Government to protect the state from external attacks and assist Indian rulers in maintaining internal peace. For that, The ruler of India should give some money or give some part of his territory to the British.

Wellesley witnessed the following wars, which are The Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799) and the Second Maratha War (1803-1805). At the end of the Second Maratha War, Peshwa Baji Rao II signed the “Bassein Treaty” with the British in 1802. Thereafter Subsequently, the “Treaty of Deogaon” was signed between Bhonsle and Wellesley. The “Treaty of  Surji –Arjungaon” was signed between the British authority Lord Lake and Scindia dynasty. Wellesley established the Madras Presidency and the Province of Agra.

Period of Time Governor General Reforms & Events Occurred During his Tenure
1798 – 1805 Wellesley

Introduced the system of “Subsidiary Alliance”

Witnessed The Fourth Anglo-Mysore War in 1799 and The Second Maratha War between 1803-1805)

Signed different treaties are the Treaty of Bassein; Treaty of Deogaon and Surji –Arjungaon

Established Madras presidency and Agra presidency

List of Governors: General of India and Important Events

British territories came to be divided into administrative units which were known as Presidencies. Three important Presidencies included: Bengal, Madras, and Bombay; each ruled by a Governor. The supreme head was known as Governor-General. The first governor-general was, Hastings and he introduced many administrative reforms, most importantly in the domain of justice.

Governors-General of India

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