The Missing Compass: Navigating Without Guidance

Now, let’s talk about guidance—or the lack thereof. I didn’t have a seasoned mentor whispering secrets in my ear. No senior to unravel the mysteries of Dijkstra’s algorithm or explain why my code kept throwing tantrums. It was just me, Google, and a stubborn determination to crack those coding problems.

I’d stare at my screen, squinting at tutorials, blog posts, and Stack Overflow threads. “How do I optimize this?” I’d mutter, like a mad scientist pondering the secrets of the universe. And when I finally stumbled upon a solution, it felt like discovering fire. “Eureka!” I’d shout, waking up my roommates. They’d exchange bewildered glances, but I didn’t care—I’d conquered a dragon, even if it was just a binary search.

Institute of Technology Ghaziabad Campus Experience For B.Tech

Let me confess I’m a late bloomer. While my peers were already knee-deep in competitive programming, I was still figuring out basic coding problems without causing a syntax error. But hey, better late than never, right? So here I am, a 3rd-year B.Tech Student at the Institute of Technology Ghaziabad, diving headfirst into the world of algorithms, data structures, and mind-bending puzzles.

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