The Placement Saga: Chances and Benefits and Uncertainties

The very last event of our academic journey sent us into a busy placement season that generated a lot of hubbub. Bearing different faces, but having a common identity as corporate organizations, flocked into the campus to declare site for professional takeoff. With the committed work of the placement cell that ranged from improving the resumes to enhancing the interview skills, we were able to go through the complex processes of opportunities. Although, not every attempt generated the job of our dream, yet it gave us the resilience for which we are always grateful. Moreover, it also taught us the fundamental of persistence.

Manipal Institute of Technology Campus Experience

The Manipal Institute of Technology campus, which is in the midst of the fast-paced city, towers above the cityscape of red bricks and greens, symbolising the noble heritage of academic excellence. The college was equipped with latest equipment, had an extensive library and the best of the students that it looked as place where three main motivation – academic exploration, personal growth and learning existed.

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