The Rise of the New Home: Adaptation of Western Concepts

With the advent of the nuclear family, Japanese society witnessed the adoption of new concepts of domesticity, influenced by Western ideals.

The term “homu,” borrowed from the English word “home,” came to symbolize the modern household centered around the nuclear family structure. This transformation reshaped social norms, expectations, and consumer behaviors in everyday life.

Chapter 7: Daily Life| Class 11 History Notes

In Japan, traditional patriarchal household systems, characterized by multiple generations living under the authority of a patriarch, gradually gave way to the emergence of nuclear families. The nuclear family, comprising a husband, wife, and children, represented a shift towards more individualized domestic arrangements, where each member played distinct roles within the household.

Let us learn more about daily life in context of daily life!

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How did the concept of the nuclear family emerge in Japan, and what factors contributed to its rise?...