The Role of Parents

Parents play a very important role in inculcating values in their children. They are the first people that children look up to and learn from. They contribute to their children’s development in several ways, including providing love, support, and guidance. They also act as models for the behavior they want their children to emulate. Parents must ensure that their children grow up with good values, morals, and habits by imparting these during their formative years.

Parents should also teach their children values such as honesty, respect, teamwork and perseverance. By doing so, parents can help their children develop into well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society.

Contribution Of Family And Society In Inculcating Values

Value inculcation involves the development of value patterns that are meant to result in behaviours deemed appropriate by the value-inculcating agent (e.g., society). Since values are not objective, tangible things that can be observed or touched but exist only in the minds of individuals and groups, it isn’t easy to describe what an individual’s values consist of Inculcating values in children are considered to be of utmost importance by the parents who want their children to grow up with good and positive behavior, values and attitude. Values are the standards and beliefs that we live by, and they play an important role in helping us understand ourselves, the people around us, our culture, and the society we live in. Society always inculcates some values in children from an early age so they can grow up as responsible members of it. Many theories have been developed to achieve this goal, including Attachment Theory, Moral Development Theory, Social Learning Theory, etc.

Role of Inculcating Values

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