The Saline Composition

The Ocean water consists mainly of chloride, Sodium, Magnesium, and Sulphate ions. Several other salts are also present in minor concentrations. The presence of all these ions makes the Ocean water salty.

Why is Ocean Water Salty?

Why is Ocean Water Salty? Over 75% of the earth’s surface is covered with water in the form of Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies. Out of this, over 97% of the water is salty and undrinkable. According to scientific sources, 35 parts of salt is present per 1000 parts of ocean water. Though it might make water undrinkable for humans, it is a life-preserving substance for millions of species that live in the ocean.

In this article, we have provided the Salinity of Ocean water, and will give answer to the question – Why is Ocean Water Salty?

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Summary – Why is Ocean Water Salty?

Ocean water is salty mainly because of two big reasons: the first is erosion of rocks and the second is openings in the sea floor. When it rains, the water grabs carbon dioxide from the air, making it a bit acidic. This acidic rainwater breaks down rocks, picking up salt and minerals, and carries them to the ocean. Also, water goes into cracks in the ocean floor, heats up, reacts with rocks down there, and brings even more salt up when it comes back out. This whole process makes the ocean salty, which is super important for all the creatures living there. If the ocean wasn’t salty, many sea animals would not survive, and that would be bad news for us too since we’re all connected in the big circle of life. Plus, the saltiness helps our planet in ways like affecting the weather and keeping the Earth’s climate in check. So, next time you taste the salty ocean, remember it’s all part of a huge natural system that keeps our planet alive and kicking....

FAQs on Why is Ocean Water Salty?

What causes rain water to turn acidic?...