The Sense of Collective Belonging

The feeling of aggregate liability or belongingness is a sensation of Oneness among People. It is an inclination that ties individuals together independent of contrasts of assessment tone, Creed, and station religion. The aggregate inclination is an area of strength for connection towards one country. This feeling drives a person to change their considerations and thoughts into an aggregate action. The illustration of a Nationalist development is when individuals, by and large, battled against the Britishers and liberated the country from Colony. 

During opportunity, battle individuals took part in enormous numbers against the Britishers. To advance patriotism images like tunes, text, pamphlets, and papers were circulated so an aggregate sensation of belongingness could create among residents. Right now additionally, individuals join to liberate their Nation from defilement and numerous such issues. It implies that individuals accept that they are all essential for a similar Nation.

It implies that individuals accept that they are all important to the same Nation and a feeling of solidarity is being created which found them together there are different dance structures singing styles social contrasts yet toward the end we are individuals having a place with one Nation Rabindranath Tagore painted the popular picture of Bharat Mata showing soul of one India.

The Sense of Collective Belonging

A sense of collective belonging refers to the feeling of oneness and unity among the people. It is a kind of feeling which binds people with differences together. The sense of collective feeling is a strong sense of patriotism and love for one country.

Nationalism is a sense of belonging to a nation and comes into being through shared struggles. However, there are various ways in which cultural processes capture the imagination of people. History, fiction, folklore and songs, and popular prints, all played important roles in the making of nationalism.

Sense of Collective Belonging

Table of Content

  • The Sense of Collective Belonging
  • Production of Identity for Nation
  • Folklores
  • Planning of National Flag
  • Symbols and Icons
  • Patriotism through Antiquated Indian history
  • Picture of Bharat Mata

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FAQs on The Sense of Collective Belonging

The character of India came to be outwardly connected with the picture of Bharat Mata. The picture was first made by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. In the 1870s he composed ‘Vande Mataram’ as a song for the country. Later it was remembered for its original Anandamath and broadly sung during the Swadeshi development in Bengal. Rabindranath Tagore additionally painted a picture of Bharat Mata....