The text-decoration Property Values

The table below describes text-decoration values and their respective descriptions.

Text Decoration Value Description
none Default value. No text decoration is applied.
underline Adds an underline to the text.
overline Adds a line above the text.
line-through Adds a line through the middle of the text.
blink Causes the text to blink. (Note: Not widely supported and considered obsolete.)

How to Style the Text using text-decoration Property in CSS ?

The text-decoration property in CSS is used to style the decoration of text, such as underlining, overlining, line-through, and blink effects. It is a versatile property that can enhance the visual appearance of text.

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/* Example of using the text-decoration property */ .element { text-decoration: [value]; }...

The text-decoration Property Values

The table below describes text-decoration values and their respective descriptions....


Multiple values can be combined to apply different decorations simultaneously. The text-decoration property is often used in conjunction with the :hover pseudo-class for interactive effects....