The UNION ALL Clause

To fetch ROLL_NO from Student and Student_Details table including duplicate values.


SELECT ROLL_NO FROM Student_Details;



SQL | Union Clause

The Union Clause is used to combine two separate select statements and produce the result set as a union of both select statements.


  1. The fields to be used in both the select statements must be in the same order, same number, and same data type.
  2. The Union clause produces distinct values in the result set, to fetch the duplicate values too UNION ALL must be used instead of just UNION.

Syntax for UNION:

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1  


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2;

Syntax for UNION ALL:

The resultant set consists of distinct values.

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2;

The resultant set consists of duplicate values too.

Consider we have two tables name Student and Student_Details. Suppose we want to do a union operation to find the common roll no from both tables. Let’s first create a table with the name student and insert some random data similarly, we will create another table with the name Student_details keeping in mind that there will be at least one column common here we will take roll_no as a common column.


CREATE TABLE students (
roll_no INT,
address VARCHAR(255),
name VARCHAR(255),
phone VARCHAR(20),
age INT
INSERT INTO students (roll_no, address, name, phone, age)
(1, '123 Main St, Anytown USA', 'John Doe', '555-1234', 20),
(2, '456 Oak St, Anytown USA', 'Jane Smith', '555-5678', 22),
(3, '789 Maple St, Anytown USA', 'Bob Johnson', '555-9012', 19),
(4, '234 Elm St, Anytown USA', 'Sarah Lee', '555-3456', 21),
(5, '567 Pine St, Anytown USA', 'David Kim', '555-7890', 18);



Let’s create a second table with the name Student details here it will contain three columns roll_no, branch, and grade. 


CREATE TABLE student_details (
roll_no INT,
branch VARCHAR(50),
grade VARCHAR(2)
INSERT INTO student_details (roll_no, branch, grade)
(1, 'Computer Science', 'A'),
(2, 'Electrical Engineering', 'B'),
(3, 'Mechanical Engineering', 'C');



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