Things to Consider While Designing for Social Media

  • Goal of Website: Before starting the process of making of website ,you need to discuss about website, target audience, how are your competitors performing about the same topic,what benefit you will provide through your website and what services you will be offering to them.
  • To determine the scope of your project: As we know that scope and expectations of a website keeps changing,so we need to work hard to get correct info regarding goals,timeline,no.of pages and features of the website.
  • Designing the Website: Now we need to create a sitemap and framework to get clear cut info on how the webpage will look.Before designing,research about the project topic.The more you research,the better you design.It is that step which shows the connection between the webpages and make updates accordingly.
  • Content Creation:The next important step in web design process is Content writing and managing it in such a way that it drives the viewers attention to your site.We should be known that Content drives engagement of participants to the webpage.The content should be well written,Font style and color of font should be beautiful.There are many content creating apps like Google docs, DropBox Paper, etc.
  • Visual Look of Website: We should be careful while describing the Visual side of website.You can make use of tools such as Style tiles,mood boards,etc.for this purpose
  • Testing: After completing all the steps now its time to test the site by own to know how it works.This is called as testing of site.If any errors occurs you can cure it there only so that in future the viewers will not face any differences.Manual browsing and automated site crawlers are required to find everything like broken links.
  • Launch Of Website: Once everything works well ,now you can launch the site.Before launching,you should plan both when to launch and in which timing.Your planning should also include communication strategies i.e how you will let the world know about your site.

Web Designing for Social Media Platforms

Web designing is a process in which we design the website in such a way that it helps the site viewers to understand the text, messages, and ideas easily.

Web Designing for Social Media Platforms

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Things to Consider While Designing for Social Media

Goal of Website: Before starting the process of making of website ,you need to discuss about website, target audience, how are your competitors performing about the same topic,what benefit you will provide through your website and what services you will be offering to them. To determine the scope of your project: As we know that scope and expectations of a website keeps changing,so we need to work hard to get correct info regarding goals,timeline,no.of pages and features of the website. Designing the Website: Now we need to create a sitemap and framework to get clear cut info on how the webpage will look.Before designing,research about the project topic.The more you research,the better you design.It is that step which shows the connection between the webpages and make updates accordingly. Content Creation:The next important step in web design process is Content writing and managing it in such a way that it drives the viewers attention to your site.We should be known that Content drives engagement of participants to the webpage.The content should be well written,Font style and color of font should be beautiful.There are many content creating apps like Google docs, DropBox Paper, etc. Visual Look of Website: We should be careful while describing the Visual side of website.You can make use of tools such as Style tiles,mood boards,etc.for this purpose Testing: After completing all the steps now its time to test the site by own to know how it works.This is called as testing of site.If any errors occurs you can cure it there only so that in future the viewers will not face any differences.Manual browsing and automated site crawlers are required to find everything like broken links. Launch Of Website: Once everything works well ,now you can launch the site.Before launching,you should plan both when to launch and in which timing.Your planning should also include communication strategies i.e how you will let the world know about your site....

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