Third Khalifa of Islam – Uthman ibn Affan

Uthman ibn Affan was the third Caliph ( Khalifa )of Islam. He was born in the was holy city of Mecca, Arabia .His leadership tenure as Khalifa from 644 to 656 CE. His achievement was the compilation of the Quran into a single, authoritative text. This addressed growing concerns about variations in Quranic recitations and ensured the preservation of the scripture for future generations.

He continued the expansion of the Islamic empire, conquering territories like Cyprus, Armenia, and parts of North Africa. After recognizing the strategic importance of the seas, Uthman established a strong naval fleet, securing trade routes and defending the empire’s border.

During his reign, the Islamic empire witnessed significant economic growth due to expansion, efficient administration, and fair taxation policies.


  •   He appointed a committee of scholars to compile a standardized version of the Quran based on the recitation of Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Zayd ibn Thabit. This unified version became the official Quran used throughout the Muslim world.
  •  He continued the military campaigns of his predecessors, expanding the empire’s reach. He also established efficient provincial administrations to manage the vast territories.
  • He implemented fair taxation policies and promoted trade, contributing to the economic prosperity of the empire.

4 Khalifa of Islam

4 Khalifa of Islam is Abu Bakr from 632 to 634 CE, Umar ibn Al-Khattab from 634 to 644 CE, Uthman ibn Affan ( 644-656 CE) and Ali ibn Abi Talib ( 656-661 CE). They are also known as the Rashidun Caliphs (“Rightly Guided “) and they are the first four khalifas of Islam.

Khalifas are the political and religious leaders who succeeded Prophet Muhammad in leading the Muslim community. Khalifa means “successor” in Arabic.

In the article, we going to learn about the 4 Khalifas of Islam and their contributions to religion, significance, and Social policies.

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Interesting Facts about the 4 Khalifas of Islam

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Abu Bakr ( 632-634 CE), Umar ibn Al-Khattab (634-644 CE), Uthman ibn Affan( 644-656 CE) and Ali ibn Abi Talib ( 656-661 CE) are the First four Khalifas of Islam. They are also known as the Rashidun Caliphs (“Rightly Guided “) and they are the first four khalifas of Islam....

4 Khalifa of Islam – FAQs

Who are the 4 Khalifas of Islam?...