Thunks Middleware

Redux Toolkit includes the createAsyncThunk function, which simplifies the process of handling asynchronous logic in Redux using thunks. It generates thunk action creators that encapsulate async operations and dispatch Redux actions based on the async operation’s lifecycle (e.g., pending, fulfilled, rejected), making it easier to manage async state and side effects.

import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { fetchTodos } from './api';

export const fetchTodosAsync = createAsyncThunk('todos/fetchTodos', async ( ) => {
const response = await fetchTodos();

Describe Some Key Features of Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit is a package that simplifies the process of working with Redux by providing utility functions and abstractions that streamline common Redux patterns and best practices. It includes several features that enhance the development experience and make Redux code more concise and maintainable. The key features of Redux Toolkit are as:

Table of Content

  • configureStore
  • createSlice
  • Immutability Helpers
  • Redux DevTools Extension Integration
  • Thunks Middleware

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Thunks Middleware

Redux Toolkit includes the createAsyncThunk function, which simplifies the process of handling asynchronous logic in Redux using thunks. It generates thunk action creators that encapsulate async operations and dispatch Redux actions based on the async operation’s lifecycle (e.g., pending, fulfilled, rejected), making it easier to manage async state and side effects....