Time Complexity Analysis of Quick Sort

Let us consider the following terminologies:

T(K): Time complexity of quicksort of K elements
P(K): Time complexity for finding the position of pivot among K elements.

Best Case Time Complexity Analysis of Quick Sort: O(N * logN)

The best case occurs when we select the pivot as the mean. So here

T(N) = 2 * T(N / 2) + N * constant

Now T(N/2) is also 2*T(N / 4) + N / 2 * constant. So,

T(N) = 2*(2*T(N / 4) + N / 2 * constant) + N * constant
= 4 * T(N / 4) + 2 * constant * N.

So, we can say that

T(N) = 2k * T(N / 2k) + k * constant * N

then, 2k = N
k = log2N

So T(N) = N * T(1) + N * log2N. Therefore, the time complexity is O(N * logN).

Worst Case Time Complexity Analysis of Quick Sort: O(N2).

The worst case will occur when the array gets divided into two parts, one part consisting of N-1 elements and the other and so on. So,

T(N) = T(N – 1) + N * constant
= T(N – 2) + (N – 1) * constant + N * constant = T(N – 2) + 2 * N * constant – constant
= T(N – 3) + 3 * N * constant – 2 * constant – constant
. . .
= T(N – k) + k * N * constant – (k – 1) * constant – . . . – 2*constant – constant
= T(N – k) + k * N * constant – constant * (k*(k – 1))/2

If we put k = N in the above equation, then

T(N) = T(0) + N * N * constant – constant * (N * (N-1)/2)
= N2 – N*(N-1)/2
= N2/2 + N/2

So the worst case complexity is O(N2)

Average Case Time Complexity Analysis of Quick Sort: O(N * logN)

For the average case consider the array gets divided into two parts of size k and (N-k). So,

T(N) = T(N – k) + T(k)
= 1 / N * [ [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(i) [/Tex] + [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(N-i) [/Tex] ]

As [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(i) [/Tex] and [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(N-i) [/Tex] are equal likely functions, we can say

T(N) = 2/N * [ [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(i) [/Tex] ]
N * T(N) = 2 * [ [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} T(i) [/Tex] ]

Also, we can write

(N – 1) * T(N – 1) = 2 * [ [Tex]\sum_{i = 1}^{N-2} T(i) [/Tex] ]

If we subtract the above two equations, we get

N * T(N) – (N – 1) * T(N – 1) = 2 * T(N – 1) + N2 * constant – (N – 1)2 * constant
N * T(N) = T(N – 1) * (2 + N – 1) + constant + 2 * N * constant – constant
= (N + 1) * T(N – 1) + 2 * N * constant

Divide both side by N*(N-1) and we will get

T(N) / (N + 1) = T(N – 1)/N + 2 * constant / (N + 1)      — (i)

If we put N = N-1 it becomes

T(N – 1) / N = T(N – 2)/(N – 1) + 2*constant/N

Therefore, the equation (i) can be written as

T(N) / (N + 1) = T(N – 2)/(N – 1) + 2*constant/(N + 1) + 2*constant/N

Similarly, we can get the value of T(N-2) by replacing N by (N-2) in the equation (i). At last it will be like

T(N) / (N + 1) = T(1)/2 + 2*constant * [1/2 + 1/3 + . . . + 1/(N – 1) + 1/N + 1/(N + 1)]
T(N) = 2 * constant * log2N * (N + 1)

If we ignore the constant it becomes

T(N) = log2N * (N + 1)

So the time complexity is O(N * logN).

Time and Space Complexity Analysis of Quick Sort

The time complexity of Quick Sort is O(n log n) on average case, but can become O(n^2) in the worst-case. The space complexity of Quick Sort in the best case is O(log n), while in the worst-case scenario, it becomes O(n) due to unbalanced partitioning causing a skewed recursion tree that requires a call stack of size O(n).

Quick Sort Algorithm

VariationTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
Best CaseO(n log n)O(log n)
Average CaseO(n log n)O(log n)
Worst CaseO(n^2)O(n)

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