time.asctime() method

time.asctime() method is used to convert a tuple or a time.struct_time object representing a time as returned by time.gmtime() or time.localtime() method to a string of the following form:

Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year

Example: Converting tuple to time.struct_time object to string

This code uses the time module to convert a specified timestamp (1627987508.6496193) into a human-readable date and time format using time.asctime(). It does so both for the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) timezone and the local timezone.


import time
obj = time.gmtime(1627987508.6496193)
time_str = time.asctime(obj)
obj = time.localtime(1627987508.6496193)
time_str = time.asctime(obj)


Tue Aug  3 10:45:08 2021
Tue Aug  3 10:45:08 2021

Python Time Module

In this article, we will discuss the time module and various functions provided by this module with the help of good examples. 

As the name suggests Python time module allows to work with time in Python. It allows functionality like getting the current time, pausing the Program from executing, etc. So before starting with this module, we need to import it. 

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