Tips and Tricks to Debug the Code

1. Print debug statements:

Inserting print statements in our code can help us understand the behavior of the code and identify the problem. We can try printing the statements that can help us to track the flow of the code and printing values of variables or the value of the result at each iteration in the loop, or other variables that can help us track the execution of our code.

2. Use Online IDE debugger:

A debugger allows us to step through your code and check the value of the variables at each step. It can help us identify the problem, find the cause of the error, and fix it.

How To Debug Your Code | For Beginners

Debugging is a process of finding errors, mistakes, or bugs in the code so that code gives the desired output. Debugging involves pointing out and resolving the errors or issues that cause the error to behave unexpectedly or produce wrong output by reviewing the code carefully line by line, testing the code with given inputs and comparing the result with the expected output, printing statements in between the code to track the flow of the code, and tracking the values of variables during runtime and many other ways that we will discuss further in detail.

How To Debug Your Code | For Beginners

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