To Set System-Wide Environment Variables in Linux

System-wide environment variables are configured in files such as `/etc/environment`, `/etc/profile`, `/etc/profile.d/`, or `/etc/bash.bashrc`. These variables are accessible to all users and remain persistent across system restarts. Setting a system-wide environment variable involves the following steps:

Following steps can be followed to do so: 

Step 1: Open the terminal. 
Step 2: 

$ sudo -H vi /etc/environment

Step 3: Enter password. 
Step 4: Add variable in the file opened.  


Step 5: Save and close the file. 
Step 6: To apply the changes, log out and log in again

Environment Variables in Linux/Unix

Environment variables, often referred to as ENVs, are dynamic values that wield significant influence over the behavior of programs and processes in the Linux operating system. These variables serve as a means to convey essential information to software and shape how they interact with the environment. Every Linux process is associated with a set of environment variables, which guide its behavior and interactions with other processes.

Table of Content

  • Accessing Environment Variables
  • Scope of an environment variable
  • Global Environment Variables
  • Local Environment Variables
  • Displaying Environment Variables
  • How to Set Environment Variables in Linux?
  • To Set User-Wide Environment Variables in Linux
  • To Set System-Wide Environment Variables in Linux
  • How to unset environment variables?
  • Some commonly used ENVs in Linux

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Accessing Environment Variables

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Scope of an environment variable

Understanding the scope of an environment variable is crucial. It dictates where the variable can be accessed or defined, making a clear distinction between global and local scopes....

Global Environment Variables

A global environment variable, when defined in a terminal, enjoys accessibility from anywhere within that terminal’s environment. This means it can be employed by scripts, programs, or processes running within the scope of that terminal....

Local Environment Variables

On the other hand, local environment variables are confined to the specific terminal in which they are defined. They are isolated from external programs or processes, making their reach exclusive to the terminal that birthed them....

Accessing Environment Variables

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Displaying Environment Variables

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How to Set Environment Variables in Linux?

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To Set User-Wide Environment Variables in Linux

User-wide environment variables are configured within user-specific files like `~/.bashrc`, `~/.bash_profile`, `~/.bash_login`, or `~/.profile`. These variables are personalized and persist across system restarts. The following steps guide the process of setting user-wide environment variables:...

To Set System-Wide Environment Variables in Linux

System-wide environment variables are configured in files such as `/etc/environment`, `/etc/profile`, `/etc/profile.d/`, or `/etc/bash.bashrc`. These variables are accessible to all users and remain persistent across system restarts. Setting a system-wide environment variable involves the following steps:...

How to unset environment variables?

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Some commonly used ENVs in Linux

Environment Variables Description $USER Gives search path for commands. $PATH Gives search path for commands. $HOME Gives path of home directory. $PWD Gives the path of present working directory. $HOSTNAME Gives name of the host. $LANG Gives the default system language. $EDITOR Gives default file editor. $UID Gives user ID of current user. $SHELL Gives location of current user’s shell program....


In this article we have discussed Environment Variable which are essential components of the Linux operating system., allowing processes and applications to access important configuration information. Overall, we can say it is important for a Linux User to understand the concepts of Environment Variable....