TOEFL Writing Practice Questions

Both integrated and autonomous writing assignments are included in the TOEFL writing section. The TOEFL writing for an academic debate task has taken the place of the solo writing work in the exam syllabus. It’s crucial to regularly practise with the most recent TOEFL writing samples in order to get ready for the new exam format.

TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion

General guidelines:

In your response, you should do the following –

  • Express and support your opinion.
  • Contribute to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.



Professor: Today, we’re discussing the impact of technology on education. Some people argue that technology enhances learning by providing access to vast resources and interactive tools. Others believe that it can be distracting and reduce the quality of education. What’s your perspective? Do you think technology is beneficial or harmful to education?

Student 1:

Sarah: I believe technology is beneficial to education. It offers students access to a wealth of information and diverse learning tools that can cater to different learning styles. For example, interactive simulations in science can help students understand complex concepts more effectively than traditional methods. However, it is essential to use technology appropriately and ensure that it complements rather than replaces traditional teaching methods.

Student 2:

James: I disagree with Sarah. While technology can provide valuable resources, it often leads to distractions in the classroom. Students may find it challenging to stay focused on their studies when they have access to social media and other non-educational content. Moreover, over-reliance on technology can diminish critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are better developed through traditional learning methods.

Your response:

I believe technology is a beneficial tool for education when integrated thoughtfully. It can enhance learning by providing access to a wide range of resources and interactive tools that support diverse learning styles. For instance, digital platforms can offer personalized learning experiences and immediate feedback, which can help students grasp complex subjects more effectively. However, it is crucial to strike a balance and ensure that technology is used to complement traditional teaching methods rather than replace them. By fostering a disciplined approach to technology use and incorporating it alongside conventional techniques, we can maximize its benefits while minimizing potential distractions.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The advantages of using technology in education outweigh the disadvantages.

Your response:

I agree that the advantages of using technology in education outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, technology provides access to a vast array of resources that can significantly enhance the learning experience. For example, online libraries, educational videos, and interactive simulations allow students to explore topics in depth and at their own pace. This accessibility democratizes education, giving students from different backgrounds the opportunity to learn and excel.

Secondly, technology can cater to diverse learning styles and needs. Digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and virtual reality can make learning more engaging and effective for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Additionally, technology facilitates personalized learning, enabling educators to tailor instruction to meet individual student needs. For instance, adaptive learning platforms can assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses and provide customized content to help them improve.



Professor: Today, we’re discussing the impact of social media on communication. Some people argue that social media enhances communication by connecting people globally. Others believe it reduces the quality of interactions and fosters superficial relationships. What’s your perspective? Do you think social media is beneficial or harmful to communication?

Student 1:

Emily: I think social media is beneficial for communication. It allows people to stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of distance. Social media platforms also provide a space for individuals to share ideas and engage in discussions, which can lead to greater understanding and collaboration. However, it’s important to use social media responsibly and be mindful of its potential to spread misinformation.

Student 2:

David: I disagree with Emily. While social media connects people, it often reduces the quality of interactions. Conversations on social media can be shallow and lack the depth of face-to-face communication. Additionally, social media can create echo chambers where people are exposed only to information that reinforces their beliefs, leading to increased polarization and misunderstanding.

Your response:

I believe social media can enhance communication when used appropriately. It provides a platform for people to connect with others globally, share ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions. Social media can foster collaboration and understanding by bringing together diverse perspectives. However, it is essential to be aware of its limitations and potential downsides, such as superficial interactions and the spread of misinformation. By using social media mindfully and complementing it with face-to-face communication, we can maximize its benefits and improve the quality of our interactions.

Moreover, technology fosters collaboration and communication among students and teachers. Online forums, group projects, and virtual classrooms allow for seamless interaction, even when participants are geographically dispersed. This collaborative environment helps students develop critical thinking and teamwork skills, which are essential for their future careers.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential disadvantages, such as distractions and over-reliance on digital tools. To mitigate these issues, educators must establish clear guidelines for technology use and integrate it purposefully into the curriculum. By doing so, they can ensure that technology enhances rather than hinders the learning process.

In conclusion, while there are challenges associated with integrating technology into education, the benefits it offers far outweigh the disadvantages. By providing access to diverse resources, catering to different learning styles, and fostering collaboration, technology can significantly improve the quality of education and better prepare students for the future.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The disadvantages of social media outweigh the advantages.

Your response:

I disagree that the disadvantages of social media outweigh the advantages. Social media offers numerous benefits that significantly enhance communication, information sharing, and community building. Firstly, social media platforms enable people to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of geographical barriers. This constant connectivity helps maintain relationships and fosters a sense of belonging, especially for those living far from their loved ones.

Secondly, social media serves as a powerful tool for information dissemination and education. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn allow users to access and share news, research, and educational content quickly and efficiently. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media played a crucial role in disseminating vital health information and updates, helping people stay informed and safe.

Moreover, social media empowers individuals to raise awareness about social issues and advocate for change. Activists and organizations use social media to mobilize support, organize events, and amplify their messages. The #BlackLivesMatter movement, for example, gained global attention and support through social media, highlighting its effectiveness in driving social progress.

However, it is important to acknowledge the disadvantages of social media, such as the potential for spreading misinformation, fostering superficial relationships, and contributing to mental health issues. To mitigate these risks, users must develop critical thinking skills and be discerning about the content they consume and share. Additionally, setting boundaries and balancing online and offline interactions can help maintain healthy relationships and mental well-being.

In conclusion, while social media has its drawbacks, its advantages in enhancing communication, information sharing, and social advocacy far outweigh the disadvantages. By using social media responsibly and critically, we can harness its potential to create positive impacts on society.



Professor: Today, we’re discussing the impact of remote work on productivity. Some people argue that working remotely increases productivity by allowing employees to work in a comfortable environment and reducing commute time. Others believe that remote work decreases productivity due to potential distractions at home and a lack of supervision. What’s your perspective? Do you think remote work is beneficial or detrimental to productivity?

Student 1:

Emily: I believe remote work is beneficial to productivity. It eliminates the need for commuting, allowing employees to save time and start their workday refreshed. Additionally, a comfortable home environment can enhance focus and creativity. Many studies have shown that remote workers often produce higher quality work and report greater job satisfaction.

Student 2:

David: I disagree with Emily. While remote work has its advantages, it can also lead to decreased productivity due to numerous distractions at home. Without a structured office environment and direct supervision, employees may struggle to stay focused and manage their time effectively. Moreover, remote work can lead to feelings of isolation, which can negatively impact motivation and collaboration.

Your response:

I believe remote work can be beneficial to productivity if managed effectively. The elimination of commuting time allows employees to start their day with less stress and more energy. A well-organized home office can provide a comfortable and distraction-free environment. However, it is essential for employees to establish clear boundaries and routines to maintain focus. Regular communication with supervisors and colleagues can help mitigate feelings of isolation and ensure that remote work remains productive and collaborative.

TOEFL Integrated Writing Task

1. Reading Passage (Reading time: 3 minutes)

Some birds, like the white-winged choughs, exhibit cooperative breeding behaviors where multiple adults help in raising the young. Traditionally, this has been seen as a form of altruism, where non-breeding individuals sacrifice their own reproductive opportunities to aid in the upbringing of others’ offspring. These helpers, often previous offspring of the breeding pair, help by feeding the chicks and defending the nest against predators.

Transcript of the Lecture: Professor: Recent studies have uncovered that the cooperative breeding behaviors observed in white-winged choughs may not be purely altruistic. It turns out that these helpers gain significant benefits from their actions. Firstly, by assisting in raising their siblings, they increase the survival rate of the chicks, thereby ensuring the continuation of their own genetic line. Additionally, staying and helping within the group increases their chances of inheriting a breeding territory in the future. This future territory inheritance is crucial as it is very difficult for white-winged choughs to establish new territories on their own. Therefore, what appears as altruistic behavior is actually a strategic investment in their own genetic and reproductive success.

Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture and explain how they cast doubt on the points made in the reading passage.

Sample Answer: The lecture presents evidence that challenges the traditional view of cooperative breeding in white-winged choughs as purely altruistic, as described in the reading passage. While the reading suggests that helpers sacrifice their reproductive opportunities to aid in raising siblings, the lecture explains that these actions provide significant personal benefits. By helping raise their siblings, helpers ensure the survival of their genetic line and increase their chances of inheriting a breeding territory in the future, which is crucial for their reproductive success. This perspective suggests that cooperative breeding behaviors are driven by self-interest and strategic investment in their genetic future, casting doubt on the interpretation of these behaviors as purely selfless.

2. Reading Passage

Reciprocal altruism is a behavior observed in some animals where individuals help each other with the expectation of future reciprocation. This is seen in vampire bats, which share blood with those that have shared with them in the past, ensuring survival during times of food scarcity.

Transcript of the Lecture: Professor: Recent research has shown that reciprocal altruism in vampire bats may involve more strategic and self-serving motives than previously thought. Studies indicate that vampire bats are more likely to share blood with individuals that are either close relatives or have a history of reciprocation, ensuring that their generosity is returned. This selective sharing enhances their own survival prospects, rather than being purely altruistic.

Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture and explain how they contradict the reading passage’s description of reciprocal altruism.

Sample Answer: The lecture contradicts the reading passage’s description of reciprocal altruism in vampire bats by suggesting that the behavior is more strategic and self-serving than altruistic. While the reading describes reciprocal altruism as a mutual exchange of help, the lecture points out that vampire bats selectively share blood with close relatives or those with a history of reciprocation. This selective sharing ensures that their actions are reciprocated, enhancing their own survival prospects. Thus, the lecture challenges the notion of reciprocal altruism as purely selfless, highlighting a more calculated approach to ensuring personal benefits.

3. Reading Passage

Eusociality is a social structure seen in species like ants and bees, where there is a clear division of labor, cooperative care of young, and overlapping generations. Worker ants, for example, sacrifice their own reproductive opportunities to support the queen and her offspring, which is seen as an altruistic behavior.

Transcript of the Lecture: Professor: While it appears that worker ants are sacrificing their own reproductive opportunities for the colony, recent research suggests that this behavior has genetic benefits. Worker ants share a high percentage of genes with the queen’s offspring, so by supporting the queen, they are indirectly ensuring the propagation of their own genetic material. Therefore, their actions can be seen as a strategy to ensure the survival of their genes, rather than purely altruistic behavior.

Question: How does the information in the lecture challenge the interpretation of eusocial behavior in ants as described in the reading passage?

Sample Answer: The lecture challenges the interpretation of eusocial behavior in ants as purely altruistic by presenting evidence that worker ants benefit genetically from their actions. While the reading passage describes worker ants as sacrificing their reproductive opportunities to support the queen, the lecture explains that this support ensures the propagation of their own genetic material, as they share a high percentage of genes with the queen’s offspring. This perspective suggests that the behavior of worker ants is driven by a strategic investment in their genetic survival, rather than selflessness, thereby casting doubt on the purely altruistic interpretation provided by the reading passage.

4. Reading Passage

Mobbing behavior in animals, such as crows, involves groups of individuals harassing or attacking a predator. This is often seen as a form of selfless community defense, where individuals risk their lives to protect others in the group.

Transcript of the Lecture: Professor: Although mobbing behavior in crows appears to be a selfless act of community defense, recent studies suggest it provides indirect benefits to the mobbers. Participating in mobbing can enhance an individual’s social standing within the group and provide better access to resources and mating opportunities. These benefits can significantly improve their own survival and reproductive success.

Question: Explain how the points made in the lecture provide a different perspective on mobbing behavior in crows compared to the reading passage.

Sample Answer: The lecture provides a different perspective on mobbing behavior in crows by suggesting that it offers indirect benefits to the mobbers, challenging the reading passage’s depiction of it as purely selfless. While the reading describes mobbing as an act of community defense, the lecture explains that participating in mobbing can enhance an individual’s social standing and access to resources and mating opportunities. These benefits can improve the mobbers’ own survival and reproductive success, indicating that mobbing behavior is driven by self-interest rather than solely altruistic motives.

5. Reading Passage

Warning calls among animals are typically viewed as altruistic behaviors where individuals alert others of impending danger, often at a risk to themselves. For example, meerkats emit alarm calls to warn their colony of predators, seemingly compromising their own safety.

Transcript of the Lecture: Professor: Although warning calls by meerkats might seem altruistic, recent studies suggest these calls also benefit the caller. The alarm calls can confuse or deter predators, increasing the caller’s chances of escape. Additionally, frequent callers may be signaling their fitness to potential mates, thereby gaining a reproductive advantage.

Question: Summarize how the lecture challenges the traditional view of warning calls as purely altruistic, as described in the reading passage.

Sample Answer: The lecture challenges the traditional view that warning calls by meerkats are purely altruistic acts by introducing the idea that these calls also benefit the caller. While the reading passage describes warning calls as self-sacrificial, the lecture explains that these calls can confuse or deter predators, enhancing the caller’s chances of escape. Additionally, frequent callers might use these calls as a display of fitness to attract mates, providing a reproductive benefit. These points suggest that warning calls are driven by self-interest, contradicting the purely altruistic interpretation provided by the reading passage.

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TOEFL Writing Practice Questions

Both integrated and autonomous writing assignments are included in the TOEFL writing section. The TOEFL writing for an academic debate task has taken the place of the solo writing work in the exam syllabus. It’s crucial to regularly practise with the most recent TOEFL writing samples in order to get ready for the new exam format....