Top 10 Biggest Spiders In The World

Here we have explained about different types of spiders based on their different characteristics whether it is a female spyder having a big reproductive system or spiders whose size is as small as a pea. Let us look at it one by one in detail.

1. Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi)

Goliath Birdeater is the world’s largest spider with a Leg span of up to 30 cm, these spiders are found in northern South America and apart from the length, it has the largest mass of 175g. Goliaths mainly survive by eating worms, amphibians, large birds, and sometimes even birds. If the hairs of these spiders enter the human body then it may cause itching.

Body Size: Upto 13 cm

Weight: 175 grams

2. Giant Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda Maxima)

Giant huntsman has longer legs and it appears more broad than the Goliath Birdeater spider, these spiders have twisted legs and these are 13 inches long. If these spiders bite humans then that person needs to be hospitalized, a person who lives in a warm climate can hear the sound of male spiders as they have a ticking sound like a clock.

Body Size: 12.7 cm

Weight: 167 grams

3. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater (Lasiodora Parahybana)

Brazilian Salmon Pink is the third largest spider in the world with a size of 11 inches. In this Spider category male spider legs are more in length than the female spiders but female spiders are more weighted than the male spiders. This spider bite feels much like a cat bite, these spiders are mainly found in Brazil.

Body Size: Up to 27 cm

Weight: Around 100 grams

4. Brazilian Giant Tawny Red Tarantula (Grammostola Anthracina)

People who love to keep a pet can go for these Brazilian Giant Tawny Red spiders, whose legs are around 23 cm long and they are supposed to live the longest compared to any other spiders. These are of high demand so they are mainly sold as a part of black market to increase their market price and sell them to the local population.

Body Size: Up to 26 cm

Weight: Around 171 grams

5. Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula (Grammostola Pulchripes)

These are one of the most beautiful and hairy spiders which are found near the warm climate of Argentina and Paraguay and these spiders are also called as tarantula as tarantula refers to a member of the spider family. These male tarantulas are larger in body then the females but females have more weight than the male tarantula’s. These spiders show a beautiful golden color.

Body Size: 17.8 to 20.3 cm

Weight: Around 180 grams

6. King Baboon Spider

King Baboon is another spider after Chaco golden-knee which has a rusty brown colour and is specially found in countries like Uganda and kenya. These spiders use a particular method for self defence and their bite can take a person to hospital, these spiders also have a habit of rubbing their front legs which create a hissing sound and make people scared during night.

Body Size: Up to 20 cm

Weight: 175 grams

7. Colombian Giant Tarantula (Megaphobema robustum)

Colombian Giant tarantula are a member of the spider family which are considerably shy in nature and run away with any type of noise rather than standing on the ground only. These tarantulas are mainly found in countries like Brazil and Columbia, these spiders have some amazing defensive tactics that could easily confuse any attacker and protect them with any type of danger.

Body Size: Up to 12 cm

Weight: Around 175 grams

8. Face-Sized Tarantula (Poecilotheria Rajaei)

Face-sized tarantula are the most horror looking tarantulas among the whole spider family and they have a leg span of around 20 cm. These tarantulas are found in Sri lanka and their bites often hospitalized the next person but they certainly cannot kill a human while they have prey like lizards or snakes whom they can easily kill.

Body Size: Up to 20.3 cm

Weight: Around 170 grams

9. Brazilian Wandering Spiders (Phoneutria Sp.)

Brazilian wandering spiders do not have a definite size but they can maximum grow upto 18 cm of leg span. These spiders are usually found in regions like South America and Costa Rica Southwards, they have a habit of always hiding themselves in dark and moist places because of this they also hide themselves in banana plants. Sometimes they can be found in the banana shipments that were sent from farm to market.

Body Size: 13 to 18 cm

Weight: Less than 30 grams

10. Sand-Dwelling Huntsman Spider (Cerbalus aravaensis)

These tarantulas are mainly found in the Israel and Jordan region and they have a leg span of around 14 cm. Since these spiders are mainly found in the sand dunes then they can easily protect themselves by hiding under sand to protect them from sun or any attacker. But according to one of the reports their habitats are vanishing day by day due to various mining activities being performed.

Body Size: Up to 15 cm

Weight: Around 100 grams

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Top 10 Biggest Spider in the World With Size

Biggest spider in the world: Goliath Birdeater is the biggest spider in the world. It can have a maximum size of 11 inches. We have mentioned the facts about the biggest spider in the world in detail.

Spiders size can vary from as small as a pea to as large as a big plate. There are also different categories of spiders present whether they are male or female, their physical characteristics make them different in genders. Generally, female spiders are much larger than male spiders because female spiders need a big reproductive system.

So that they can carry more eggs, this list contains a list of all the spiders, whether you are scared of spiders or like spiders, this list will help you to know more about the biggest spiders available in the world. Let us look at the list of spiders in detail.

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