Top 10 Cotton Producing States in India

Majority of cotton production in India is concentrated in ten major cotton-growing states, which are categorised into three distinct agro-ecological zones.

Northern Zone

The Northern Zone includes Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan.

Central Zone

The Central Zone encompasses Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.

Southern Zone

The Southern Zone has Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, as well as Tamil Nadu.

Top 10 Cotton Producing States of India in 2023

Top 10 Cotton Producing States of India: Cotton is among the major cash crops in India and contributes a major portion of the economy of the country, which earned the name “White Gold.” Cotton is produced most majorly in Gujarat (followed by Maharashtra and Telangana). Cotton is important for textiles and industries and thus is a major component of India’s agricultural sector.

In this article, we will take a look at the Top 10 Cotton Producing States of India in 2023.

Let’s get started!

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