Top 10 Countries in World by GDP 2024

Following are the list of top 10 Countries in the world by GDP:

Countries GDP In USD (billion) GDP Per Capita (USD thousand)
United States Of America (U.S.A) 26,954 80.41
China 17,786 12.54
Japan 4,231 33.95
Germany 4,430 52.82
India 3,730 2.61
United Kingdom (U.K.) 3,332 48.91




Italy 2,190 37.15
Brazil 2,132 10.41
Canada 2,122 53.25

How Many Countries are there in the World? (Updated 2024)

List of countries in the world: Have you ever wonder that How many countries are there in the world? so, here’s the answer, there are 195 countries in the world. In total of 195 countries, 193 countries are the members of United Nations and the remaining 2 countries are part of non-member observer states. Below is the 195 country name list along with continent-wise countries names in the world. South Sudan is the newest country in the World, it is declared independence from Sudan on 9th July 2011.

List of countries in the world

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