Top 10 products Imported to China

Below is the list of top 10 products imported to China.



Electrical Machinery and Equipment

US$644.7 billion (23.7% of total imports to China)

Mineral Fuels

US$535.3 billion (19.7% of total imports)


US$224.7 billion (8.3% of total imports)

Machinery including Computers

US$202.1 billion (7.4% of total imports)

Gems & Precious Metals

US$103.7 billion (3.8% of total imports)

Optical, Technical & Medical Apparatus

US$82.0 billion (3% of total imports)


US$80.8 billion (3% of total imports)

Oil seeds

US$68.6 billion (2.5% of total imports)

Plastics & Plastic Articles

US$75.2 billion (2.8% of total imports)


US$68.7 billion (2.5% of total imports)

Electrical Machinery and Equipment

Electrical machinery and equipment are things like computers, phones and other electronic devices. China brings in a lot of these items from other countries to use in its industries and for people to buy. These imports are important for keeping things running smoothly in China, like for making products, communicating and advancing technology.

Mineral Fuels

Mineral fuels play a vital role in powering industries, transportation and households. They include various forms of energy sources like crude oil, natural gas, and coal. In 2022, China imported mineral fuels valued at US$535.3 billion, making up 19.7% of its total imports.

These fuels are important for driving economic activities, generating electricity, and fueling vehicles and machinery. China substantial imports of mineral fuels highlight its dependence on foreign sources to meet its energy needs and sustain its rapid industrial growth.


Ores are natural mineral deposits containing valuable elements or metals that can be extracted for various industrial purposes. In 2022, China imported ores worth US$224.7 billion accounting for 8.3% of its total imports.

These ores serve as crucial raw materials for manufacturing processes particularly in industries like steel production, construction and electronics manufacturing. China significant imports of ores reflect its reliance on global supply chains to fulfill its raw material requirements for sustaining its vast industrial base and infrastructure development.

Machinery including Computers

Machinery including computers consists a wide range of mechanical and electronic devices used in various industries for manufacturing, processing, and information technology purposes. In 2022 China imported machinery and computers valued at US$202.1 billion, representing 7.4% of its total imports.

This category includes equipment such as industrial machinery, agricultural machinery, construction equipment as well as computers and computer parts. These imports play a vital role in supporting China’s manufacturing sector, infrastructure development and technological advancement.

Gems & Precious Metals

Gems and precious metals are valuable commodities that China imports for various purposes, including jewelry making, investment and industrial applications. In 2022, China imported gems and precious metals valued at US$103.7 billion accounting for 3.8% of its total imports.

This category includes items such as diamonds, gold, silver, and platinum, among others. These imports are essential for meeting domestic demand for luxury goods and investment assets as well as supporting industries like jewelry manufacturing and electronics manufacturing, where precious metals are used in components and circuitry.

Optical, Technical & Medical Apparatus

Optical, technical, and medical apparatus are crucial imports for China, valued at US$82.0 billion in 2022, representing 3% of its total imports. This category encompasses a wide range of products, including optical instruments, medical devices, and technical equipment used in various industries. These imports are vital for China’s healthcare sector, facilitating medical diagnoses, treatments, and research.

Optical and technical apparatus support industries such as telecommunications, engineering, and scientific research, contributing to technological advancement and economic development. As China continues to modernize and expand its healthcare infrastructure, the demand for these imports is expected to remain strong.

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Vehicles are significant imports for China, valued at US$80.8 billion in 2022, comprising 3% of its total imports. This category includes various types of automobiles, trucks, and other motor vehicles imported to meet the growing demand for transportation within the country. Imported vehicles play a crucial role in supporting China’s automotive industry and meeting the needs of consumers for both personal and commercial use.

The importation of vehicles contributes to technological exchange and innovation in the automotive sector, driving advancements in safety, efficiency, and environmental performance. As China’s economy continues to grow and urbanization accelerates, the demand for imported vehicles is expected to remain strong.

Oil seeds

Oil seeds are an important import for China, valued at US$68.6 billion in 2022, accounting for 2.5% of its total imports. These seeds are primarily used for producing edible oils, such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, and palm oil, which are essential ingredients in cooking and food processing industries.

Oil seeds are use in the production of biofuels, animal feed, and various industrial applications. China’s large population and growing middle class drive the demand for edible oils, making oil seeds a crucial commodity in the country’s import market. The importation of oil seeds also supports China’s agriculture sector and ensures a stable supply of essential food and industrial products for its population.

Plastics & Plastic Articles

Plastics and plastic articles are significant imports for China, valued at US$75.2 billion in 2022 constituting 2.8% of its total imports. These products encompass a wide range of items, including plastic packaging materials, containers, household goods, construction materials and automotive components.

Plastics play important role in various industries due to their versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness. China’s manufacturing sector heavily relies on imported plastics and plastic articles to support its production of consumer goods and industrial products. China growing consumer market fuels the need for plastic packaging and consumer goods, further driving imports in this category.


Copper is an essential import for China, valued at US$68.7 billion in 2022, accounting for 2.5% of its total imports. In China, copper is crucial for powering its manufacturing sector, particularly in the production of electronics, appliances and machinery. The construction industry also heavily relies on copper for plumbing, wiring and roofing materials.

Copper is used in renewable energy technologies such as wind turbines and solar panels, aligning with China’s push towards sustainable energy sources. The country’s robust economic growth and ongoing urbanization drive the demand for copper, making it a significant import commodity for China.

Top 10 products Imported to China

Top 10 products Imported to China: China imports a variety of products from around the world to meet the needs of its population and industries. Some of the top imports include machinery, electronics, mineral fuels, vehicles, and medical equipment. These imports are important in supporting China’s economic growth and development. China also imports agricultural products, such as soybeans and meat, to feed its large population. Overall, China’s imports reflect its diverse needs and global economic interactions.

Let’s know more about Top 10 products Imported to China.

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