Top Programming Language For Competitive Programming

The most challenging question we all face today is which programming language should be used to learn Competitive Programming? Let’s take a look at the top programming languages that you can start with.

Here is a list of the most popular programming languages for Competitive Programming:

Top Programming Languages For Competitive Programming

Building an application, running a server, or even implementing a game needs a programming language as the foundation. There are almost more than 700 programming languages which are the most popular ones and this number will increase day by day. But, you don’t need to learn all of them. Having a good command of anyone is enough for you to grow your career in it. But before choosing your language, make sure it has amazing career growth and you have an interest in it.

When it comes to solving a problem using a programming language, Competitive Programming can’t be ignored. Competitive Programming prepares you very well with the solutions and you also get rewards and cash prizes in return. It helps you in building your logical thinking ability and you also require the use of data structures and algorithms to solve questions of Competitive Programming. It helps in reducing the time and space complexity of the problem thus making the program more efficient. After talking a lot about Competitive Programming, let’s get to know the Top Programming Languages For Competitive Programming.

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1. C language

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2. C++

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3. Java

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4. Python

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5. JavaScript

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6. C#

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7. PHP

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