Total() function

total() function returns the total or sum of all values of the column.

Syntax: total(name_of_the_column)


# import the sqlite module
import sqlite3
# establishing a connection to the database
connection   = sqlite3.connect("sales.db")
# creating a cursor object
cursor = connection.cursor()
# total monthly_sale
Total_mon_sale= "select total(monthly_sale) from sales1"
# Print the total score
print("The total monthly sale of all items is:")
# Closing database connection


The total monthly sale of all items is:

Using SQLite Aggregate functions in Python

In this article, we are going to see how to use the aggregate function in SQLite Python. An aggregate function is a database management function that groups the values of numerous rows into a single summary value. Average (i.e., arithmetic mean), sum, max, min, Count are common aggregation functions. SQLite provides us with many aggregate functions used for statistical analysis. 

Database for demonstration: To download the database click here.

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