Traditional Methods of Irrigation in India

In earlier days, farmers used several techniques to irrigate their lands for better production of their crops. Some of the examples of traditional methods of irrigation are as follows:

Check Basin Method

This method is best for irrigation in levelled fields. In this method, the entire field is divided into several basins. Each basin remains connected with small drains. The main water source is found at the topmost place of the field. It is an inexpensive method and technology is not used in this method. This method of irrigation is also helpful for larger areas. Soil erosion can also be prevented in this method.

Furrow Irrigation Method

Furrow irrigation method is very useful for the plants that are cultivated in rows. In this case, small trenches are made between the crops and farmers flow the water through the small trenches. It is also a cheap and labour-intensive method of irrigation. Furrow irrigation is commonly used for row crops such as corn, cotton, and vegetables, providing an efficient way to deliver water while minimizing waste and optimizing crop growth.

Strip Irrigation Method

In this method, the entire land is divided into strips. Strips can be different in size. The strip is made based on the land structure. It is also a simple and cheap method of irrigation. This method requires less labour. The water is supplied directly to the root zone of plants through narrow strips, conserving water and minimizing wastage.

Basin Irrigation Method

Basin irrigation is a simple and effective method where water is applied to the soil in small, shallow depressions or basins surrounding the plants. This is a type of surface irrigation. An elevated platform encircled by a dyke is created. Then, this platform is provided with unidirectional water flow. This technique allows water to infiltrate the soil slowly, promoting better absorption by the roots and reducing runoff. Wastage of water is seen in this method. It is also an inexpensive method.

Traditional Methods of Irrigation

Traditional methods of irrigation denote several irrigation techniques that were mainly used in earlier days. In earlier days, technology was not much advanced. So, farmers mainly used their cattle to provide water to the lands through various traditional techniques. Human resources were also used for this purpose. These methods were very simple and cheap as there was no machinery used in these techniques. However, the methods required lots of physical effort and the water supply also was not proper. This article deals with types of traditional methods of irrigation prevalent in India and worldwide.

Table of Content

  • What is Irrigation?
  • What is the Traditional Method of Irrigation Class 8?
  • Traditional Methods of Irrigation in India
  • Modern Methods of Irrigation
  • Traditional Irrigation Systems in Various Parts of India
  • Advantages of Traditional Methods of Irrigation
  • Disadvantages of Traditional Methods of Irrigation

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