Traditional Water Harvesting Methods

India supported civilization in the old world. A fascinating component of all old development was that its occupants understood the huge worth of water in human existence. Every one of these civic establishments was situated on the banks of a waterway or inside a helpful separation from the ocean. This was to guarantee a perpetual inventory of water for everyday exercises. It is for sure shocking to understand that at the beginning of civilization, people figured out the importance and significance of water. Aside from cooking, individual tidiness, and cleanliness, water was indispensable for the development and water system of yields. At that early age, water was a significant method of transport; with additional advancement and improvement water again turned into an important wellspring of food as well as exchange and trade.

Traditional Water Harvesting Methods

Since ancient times, water has been harvested in India, with our ancestors playing an important role in perfecting the art of water management many water harvesting techniques as well as water conveyance systems specific to the region have been developed, like:

  1. Harvesting of raindrops in a direct manner. From rooftops, water is collected and stored in the tanks built in courtyards.
  2. Harvesting of the monsoonal rain runoffs from swollen streams during monsoons and storing for various forms of water bodies.
  3. Water harvested from flooded rivers.

Traditional Water Harvesting Methods

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