Transaction Schedules

When multiple transaction requests are made at the same time, we need to decide their order of execution. Thus, a transaction schedule can be defined as a chronological order of execution of multiple transactions. There are broadly two types of transaction schedules discussed as follows,

i) Serial Schedule

In this kind of schedule, when multiple transactions are to be executed, they are executed serially, i.e. at one time only one transaction is executed while others wait for the execution of the current transaction to be completed. This ensures consistency in the database as transactions do not execute simultaneously. But, it increases the waiting time of the transactions in the queue, which in turn lowers the throughput of the system, i.e. number of transactions executed per time. To improve the throughput of the system, another kind of schedule are used which has some more strict rules which help the database to remain consistent even when transactions execute simultaneously.

ii) Non-Serial Schedule

To reduce the waiting time of transactions in the waiting queue and improve the system efficiency, we use nonserial schedules which allow multiple transactions to start before a transaction is completely executed. This may sometimes result in inconsistency and errors in database operation. So, these errors are handled with specific algorithms to maintain the consistency of the database and improve CPU throughput as well. Serial Schedules are also sometimes referred to as parallel schedules as transactions execute in parallel in this kind of schedules.


Serializability in DBMS is the property of a nonserial schedule that determines whether it would maintain the database consistency or not. The nonserial schedule which ensures that the database would be consistent after the transactions are executed in the order determined by that schedule is said to be Serializable Schedules. The serial schedules always maintain database consistency as a transaction starts only when the execution of the other transaction has been completed under it. Thus, serial schedules are always serializable.

A transaction is a series of operations, so various states occur in its completion journey. They are discussed as follows:

i) Active

It is the first stage of any transaction when it has begun to execute. The execution of the transaction takes place in this state. Operations such as insertion, deletion, or updation are performed during this state. During this state, the data records are under manipulation and they are not saved to the database, rather they remain somewhere in a buffer in the main memory.

ii) Partially Committed

This state of transaction is achieved when it has completed most of the operations and is executing its final operation. It can be a signal to the commit operation, as after the final operation of the transaction completes its execution, the data has to be saved to the database through the commit operation. If some kind of error occurs during this state, the transaction goes into a failed state, else it goes into the Committed state.

iii) Commited

This state of transaction is achieved when all the transaction-related operations have been executed successfully along with the Commit operation, i.e. data is saved into the database after the required manipulations in this state. This marks the successful completion of a transaction.

iv) Failed

If any of the transaction-related operations cause an error during the active or partially committed state, further execution of the transaction is stopped and it is brought into a failed state. Here, the database recovery system makes sure that the database is in a consistent state.

v) Aborted

If the error is not resolved in the failed state, then the transaction is aborted and a rollback operation is performed to bring database to the the last saved consistent state. When the transaction is aborted, the database recovery module either restarts the transaction or kills it.

The illustration below shows the various states that a transaction may encounter in its completion journey.

Transaction in DBMS

Transaction in DBMS

When the data of users is stored in a database, that data needs to be accessed and modified from time to time. This task should be performed with a specified set of rules and in a systematic way to maintain the consistency and integrity of the data present in a database. In DBMS, this task is called a transaction. It is similar to a bank transaction, where the user requests to withdraw some amount of money from his account. Subsequently, several operations take place such as fetching the user’s balance from the database, subtracting the desired amount from it, and updating the user’s account balance. This series of operations can be called a transaction. Transactions are very common in DBMS. In this article, we will discuss what a transaction means, various operations of transactions, transaction states, and properties of transactions in DBMS.

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